As Autumn is here the nights start to get shorter and your normal routine walking route will start to change. Keep an eye out for these changes to protect your puppy or dog.

·      As evenings are starting to get darker it is important that you remember to wear reflective clothing. It is also adviseable to also have some reflective strip or reflective jacket on your dog.  

·      Flea and tick problems increase as the heating is turned on so make sure your dogs treatments are up to date.

·      Beware of any garden products that may be used this time of year to keep your garden looking well as these can be poisonous to your dog.

·      Beware of anti-freeze as people get their cars ready for winter. An unsuspecting pool on the ground near a car may actually be this poisonous liquid.

·      As the evenings get shorter there can be a tendency not to go out for long walks, so try to balance this to ensure your dog still gets enough exercise